Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas morning. The funny thing that is so us, is we overslept..YEP! We were supposed to be up and at grandma's by 9:30...and we woke up at 8:30. So it was a quick look at what Santa brought, change clothes...and get out the door! We love Mickey in this house! Ma-Ma got us this Mickey at Hobby Lobby and it was by far Joseph's favorite decoration!
All set up for Christmas morning. Santa brought us an Elmo, Woody, a Stuffed horse, books, dvds, an ABC thingy..and any thing from the movie cars that he could find.

And the four-wheeler. Joe and I went rounds for this thing, and he won out. I think joseph was a little small for it, but Joe insisted and I'm so glad Santa brought it. Joseph loves, loves it. Took him a while to learn how to turn, but he rides it everywhere now!

I felt so bad we overslept. Joseph is not a morning person, and then all this when he got up. Later on in the day he was much more excited about it all!

And out of everything, the mini cars from the movie CARS won out. The little things in life I guess.
Then we were off for breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa.....
Until next time...